The Collab We’ve All Been Waiting For… ft. May Everly… YAY!!

1.Hello you lovely people! Names?

A: Alaira.

R: I apologize for her rudeness. I’m Ryet.

M: And I’m Mery! Nice to meet you!

F: Fynn Halleck, pleasure to make your acquaintance.

A: Why so stiff, pretty boy?

C: *coughs* I’m Chislon.

2.What would you bring if you were stranded on an island?

A: I’d bring my weapons. *spins daggers* You never know when you’ll need ‘em.

R: I would bring my maps, and my survival kit stuff.

M: My clothes! And food. Food is important. Especially chocolate.

R: Oh yeah! I forgot about food. *nods* Yes. Food.

F: Water, clothes, food, and other supplies to survive.

C: Um, I don’t know. What they said?

M: C’mon Chislon! There’s got to be something you’d want to bring!

C: Um… *blushes* A blanket? One my grandmother made me.


3.If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A: This is an impossible question.

M: I agree.

R: Ditto.

F: Well, technically speaking, you can’t survive on one food for your whole life. But… I’ll say onions, because it’s very healthy and contains water, and gives you almost all the essential proteins and nutrients to live for a long time.

R: Um, you know it’s not asking you that seriously, right? It means something like CAKE or ICE CREAM or PIE or―  


R: *nods* Mm, yes, chocolate.

C: …I like apples.

4.If you had to lose a sense, what would it be… and why?

A: I would lose my sense of… smell. Everything else I just can’t imagine living without, like hearing or sight, or feeling, or taste.

R: Especially taste.

A: So you agree?

R: Uh huh.

A *mutters* That’s a first.

R: Hey!

F: AHEM. If I had to, I would lose my sense of hearing, since that can easily be recovered with the technology we have today.

A: But it’s not the same!

F: Says the girl who chose the option that won’t ever be fixed.

R: *snorts*

C: I think I’d lose my sense of taste.

M & R: *stares in shock*

M: Chislon! Do you know what that means? YOU WON’T EVER GET TO TASTE CHOCOLATE ANYMORE!

C: And? What sense would you want to lose?

M: Well, if I had to, my sense of feeling, because I’d NEVER want to lose my sense of taste!

C: So you’d rather taste chocolate than feel the smoothness of your pretty dresses?

M: …

5.If you had could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

A: I just want to get out of Adimen and Folasia and all these clusters of little cities. I want to go beyond the ocean. It’s so… plain… here. There’s so much out there to explore!

R: Same. Especially because we don’t know what’s beyond this droughtland.

M: I’m really not knowledgeable about what’s outside of the droughtland… But maybe the Oceanside! Chislon’s from there and it sounds just wonderful.

C: *mutters* Not after seventeen years.

F: Does no one want to visit the mountains?

M: Where?

F: The mountains. In the north.

A, R, C, M: …

A: We never learned about that.

F: Oh.


6.Would you want to live forever?

A: No.

R: Nope.

M: Maybe?

F: Perhaps.

C: No.

F: Why not?

A: Because then you live on forever and forever and what if you want to die to escape something?

R, M, F, C: …

R: I was thinking more of how all your loved ones will die and you’ll keep on living and be left all alone.

A: That too, I guess.

7. Dream job?

A: Anything but a soldier. Well, actually, it’s quite fun. Just not training. But great self-defense. And weapons. Don’t forget the weapons.

R: I, um, actually want to be, er, a…

M: A…

R: *blushes* *mutters* A historian.

A: A historian?! Why?

R: History is so interesting! Especially how all of this droughtland came to be. And maps are so cool.

F: So do you want to be a geographer?

R: NO. Old maps. I like old maps. Studying old maps. Although new maps are nice too.

C: You’re embarrassed.

R: What? No! I’m not!

A, M, F, C: *pointed look*

R: Okay, fine, maybe a little. But do you have any better aspirations?

M: I wanna be a cook! Or a chef. Or a baker!

F: A scientist. I’ve always wanted to be a scientist…

C: Can I be a pilot?

A: Chislon. You almost threw up when our Orb was falling.

C: Yeah, but… But… *clears throat* What did you say you wanted to be again?

A: I’ll just be a journalist. Like I used to be…

R: *pats back*

8.Would you rather have feet for hands, or hands for feet?

A: Hands for feet. More hands to carry weapons. And hit people.

R: *mutters* Why do you always answer first? *is punched in shoulder by Alaira* Hey! Hmph, fine. Hands for feet. I’d be like a monkey then.

M: Hands for feet!

F: Hands for feet.

C: Hands for feet?

F: Honestly, who asked this question? It’s obvious that we all want hands for feet.

Ivy: *is hurt*

((BTW, that “Ivy” part was me. May. As in May Everly, and not Ivy’s character May.))




So, yes, first collab, done. We’ve been working towards this for a while. Now it’s done. So, yes, it is an Ivy Ashtyn trademark to have no form of entertainment other than word. No picture, gifs, or graphics of any sort. Of course, with May, everything has changed. Yay. Okay, so that’s it. Hope you enjoyed. May’s blog’s link link (haha, loving all of the possessives… no I’m not), because I’m obligated. Actually, no, because she’s a somewhat nice person. Okay, moving on. And, the actual post.
